To think that all this time…!

So, some of you may have noticed that I have not posted for nearly three weeks. First, I apologize to my readers for such inconsistency! If only I could learn to be faithful like my God is faithful! Truth be told, I have felt that I have been walking somewhat of a dry path recently. Yes, I have been in God’s Word consistently everyday, and in fact have increased my time spent in His Word every morning, but what is this “dryness” that I am feeling? I think, by God’s grace, I am only now beginning to discern the cause of this dry time. First, struggles continue to harass me, as I suppose they will for the entirety of my walk on this earth. Then, could it be that I have been focused on these struggles to the point that I have taken my focus off of Christ? In despairing over trials, could I have rejected the joy and revival that God has been offering this whole time if I would but look to Him? In this time when I have felt like I “wasn’t learning anything”, could it be that I was ignoring what God was really trying to teach me?

Looking back on the last few weeks, I wish I had kept alert, looking for the blessings that God was waiting to give me if I would search for them and keep my eyes on Him. First, was it a coincidence that He repeatedly brought to my attention 1 Corinthians 13? No, but He was trying to teach me how to love as He has loved me! And He has loved me through the greatest sacrifice, an excruciating death so that I might live. He called me and drew me to Himself, saved me as He has purposed from eternity past, though I was dead in my trespasses and running headlong into eternal destruction and did not deserve a single ounce of His mercy! What great love He has for me, and to think that He has been trying to teach this to me for three weeks!

And not only that, as I have studied 1 Corinthians 13 I have been reminded that “Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” More importantly, I am learning all over again that Jesus Christ is the ultimate and greatest example of all of these characteristics, and He shows them toward me every single day of my life. And to think that I could have missed being reminded of these wonderful truths because I had taken me eyes of Christ to focus on my troubles! Seriously, would I trade joy in the love of my Savior for despair over spiritual difficulty? I can only say that I am so thankful that God has graciously snatched my focus and set it on Himself again.

God was trying to teach me much about His love, and that is only one example of what I nearly missed these past weeks. Through sharing this, I hope that you, dear reader, will encouraged and challenged to keep your eyes on Christ always, without exception! Do not let your gaze be drawn from His face or the pages of His Word by such petty things as trials or the fleshly things of this world. If you have truly been saved by Him, He will not fail to teach you about Himself and further your sanctification. That is, if you will continually keep Him as the forefront of your mind, your focus, and your goal everyday.

6 Responses to “To think that all this time…!”
  1. alwayzhis says:

    Wonderful post!!! I believe you weren’t in a dry place because he continued to “shower His love and blessings” on you dear sister. I would very much like to reblog this to my site if that’s ok.
    Continue the path you’re on… your thirsty soul is definitely being refreshed!

    • Sierra says:

      Thank you so much for the encouragement! I can’t even begin to tell you how thankful I am that God is graciously refreshing me right now. He is so incredibly faithful. And it is completely ok with me if you would like to reblog my post. I only hope that God will use it to encourage those who read it! Thanks again!

  2. Lisa says:

    Beautiful post.

  3. mixxlife says:

    We love reading how God is working in your life. Keep writin, even during the trials because we can all relate!

  4. My dearest Sierra… You are such an example to me, i cannot even describe! God has planted you in my life with the obvious intent to encourage me in my on going (and everlasting!) relationship with Him. He is so faithful! I thank You, Jesus, for my AMAZING and godly and lovely and beautiful and just plain awesome…. (the list goes on and on) friend and sister in Christ, Sierra!

    Je t’aime beaucoup Sierra!
    Makayla Holm 😉 xoxoxo Gros bisses!!

  5. Noah says:

    You know what’s amazing? We can reflect on the exact same message of redemption and reconciliation before the Father every day, and it will NEVER grow old. We will never stop learning about God’s character displayed in the wonder of the cross, no matter how much we think about the act. Haha, there are some things we humans can’t EVER defile. Sierra, when I fall into sadness, despair, or dare I say it, even depression, I find that the number one cause is that I am focusing only upon myself. Selfishness. Coming out of that, I always wonder how I could have possibly taken my focus off of the beautiful characteristics of my awesome Savior! Besides, there is no need for sadness! I have been redeemed! Jesus Christ has chosen to place His steadfast love upon me for nothing I have ever done, in spite of everything I have done, and that will NEVER leave me. (Psalm 66:20) What love is this! Praying for you, and so joyful for the fellowship I have with you (and others, obviously :P) in the Lord. He was, is, and ever will remain faithful.

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